The Office National de Sécurité Sanitaire des Produits Alimentaires (ONSSA) acquired an IT solution with the necessary equipment and technical supplies as described in the Special Conditions (PSC) of the tender N ° 05/2013.
As a tool for management of animal diseases and food safety traceability the SNIT – Système national d’identification et traçabilité animales proposed by Digidelta Software allows to trace the history of each animal including movements and events throughout its life. This information can be retrieved at any time, in the form of reports or dashboards to enable decision makers to take appropriate action.
The remarkable experience in the Portuguese context allowed Digidelta Software to select international partners (electronic identification, RFID reader, etc.) to provide all the necessary equipment, to meet the needs and requirements of ONSSA.
Digidelta Software is committed to ensure, among others, the following services:
The visual and electronic ear tags and applicators were provided by a world leader in design, technology, manufacturing and delivery of identification materials for animal traceability systems.
Portable electronic readers were provided by an international partner whose purpose is to create and offer to different markets of mobile computing, innovative solutions that fully meet the business requirements of mobile users.
In this way, by combining the use of equipment and supplies of excellence in the long experience in the field of agro-livestock and level of expertise in the creation of information systems for government entities, Digidelta Software presented the best and most effective solution to meet the expectations of ONSSA.
This project was divided in two parts: The first one was the acquisition of Equipment and supplies for identification (Electronic and visual ear tags for the identification of cattle and camels, Ear tag applicators and RFID readers) and the second one the IT solution. Digidelta Software proposed an all package regarding the good execution of the project providing actions in order to manage the whole project. Digidelta Software developed a manual for implementation of the IT solution services and project management methodology.
Phase 1: Acquisition of equipment and supplies identification, project scoping and delivery of the IT solution (software) as standard.
The incumbent was:
Provide the standard software as well as all information;
Install the software on the test server of the client;
Delivery of the complex hardware in accordance with the specifications mentioned in the tender. This action required a closed relation with the hardware provider in order to develop a RFID reader which matched all the requirements (integration of a RFID module, integration of an antenna who could read ear tags at a minimum distance of 10 cm, supporting capacity of the IT solution, Identify geographic coordinates through GPS, etc)
The supplied equipment was:
Phase 2: Development, testing, installation, configuration, implementation of all requested features and integration testing
a) Configuration and customization:
Setup and software customization to suit the needs and context of the client.
Settings: prior setup of the application, values essential to its operation and implementation of the various planned features.
Customization: developing or editing scripts, programs, reports, additions to the database, screens ... made with the customization tools associated to the application.
b) Testing:
The activities of this phase were:
Follow up and stakeholder coordination
Development and configuration of the IT solution to achieve the target solution
Test of the reliability of the solution in the client's servers
Developing acceptance test reports
Validation of the solution with the Client
The deliverables of this phase were:
Manual approved by the client
Technical manual approved by the client
Report of Settings and detailed customization
Report of developments made
Acceptance test plan to test all the features of the target system
Report of the management rules applied
Validation Plan of the results of acceptance tests
Validation plan for integration
Phase 3: Training and operation assistance
a) Training:
Training included the training of computer agents (4 officers) of the client and trainers (30 agents).
Training of computer officers covering the following aspects:
Customization (use customization tools and languages, Conceptual Model Presentation dates, ...);
Setup and use of the software (user setting, ...);
Administration (environmental and technical architecture, server configuration, operating procedures, safety rules, diagnostic tools, rights management and other system settings ...);
Transfer of jurisdiction on the sources and their design codes.
The training of trainers (30 agents) covered the following aspects:
Parameterization and customization
Training and production
b) Production start:
The service provider gave assistance to get the system running on the agreed date:
Install the software at the production server level of the contracting authority
Initiate end users in the operation of the software
Make the initial loading of reference data
Attend the start of operations
The deliverables of this phase were:
The operating solution: SNIT software adapted and installed on the test and production servers of the contracting authority
Technical Manual (installation and configuration) of the software approved by the contracting authority
Software Installation Report
Report of the settings
Train and support deployment of the system;
Support for the use of equipment and identification supplies;
Development and deployment of Amount Required documents;
Prepare the evaluation instruments and evaluate trainers and IT professionals. This action helps to identify any adjustments required in the training programs for trainers and computer agents.